Re: XHTML2: Proposal for total separation of semantics from structure

For those interested, I received the following message:


Your issue has been added to the W3C's HTML Working Group Issue Tracking

If you have further information about this issue to report, please reply to
this message so that the additional data can be automatically attached to
the original query.

If you would like to check on the status of this issue, select the following

The category in which your problem report is held (initially called
Incoming) will have the number "1" next to it, and all others will have the
number "0".


It means the issue has been added to the tracker.

Which is a positive first step, meaning it is being considered.

I have some more to add, however, which I'll do soon.

 Fernando Franco

Received on Monday, 26 September 2005 03:12:32 UTC