Re: [Structure Module] Renaming the <html> element to more semantic name

Le 05-11-24 à 14:17, Asbjørn Ulsberg a écrit :
>   <document xmlns="">
> says that this is a "document" written in the "XHTML vocaublary".

In French and English, for sure, but given the number of users of  
kanjis on earth, we should use

 <文書 xmlns="">

That would be a lot better.
Just to say that the semantics of an element is not defined by its  
spelling, but by the definition which is attached to it. Sure it's  
more practical when a *part* of the developer community can read it  
and then remember it, "document" sounds better than "d67xgh" but not  
necessary better than "文書".

Karl Dubost -
W3C Conformance Manager
*** Be Strict To Be Cool ***

Received on Thursday, 24 November 2005 22:20:19 UTC