RE: XInclude In XHTML?


> My fault, I misworded my question.

Ha! Well actually my fault...because I was going to say, "you can add
XInclude to anything, so do you mean something else?" And it's clear that
you did mean something else!

>  I know I could use 
> XInclude, XLink, XPointer, and any other XML libraries 
> designed to extend XML-based languages.  I meant, are there 
> any plans for the creation of schemas/DTD's that allow one to 
> use XInclude within XHTML, without having to resort to either 
> writing a custom schema or accepting that validation will not occur?

Indeed. I have actually looked at this, but not recently. It seems like it
should be pretty easy to add the XInclude element to the XHTML
Modularisation schemas. It's something we intend to add to the schemas we
have created for our Sidewinder Web Applications Viewer (which in turn use
the M12N schemas), but I haven't yet tackled it. The annoying thing is, now
you have made me think of it, I am pretty sure that there is no "extend
every element" mechanism in M12N. If there isn't, it may still be possible
to add one, and if we can't do that, then we'll just have to do it the long

Either way, we'll make the schemas available once we've done. (They also
include SVG, MathML and XForms.)



Mark Birbeck
CEO Ltd.

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Received on Tuesday, 15 November 2005 01:59:00 UTC