Re: Internationalization Core comments on XHTML2

"David Woolley" <> wrote in message
>> representing documents for a wide range of purposes across the World Wide
>> Web" seems to make it clear that, the current web-authors are exactly the
>> audience.
> My understanding is that XHTML 2.0 is aimed at the sort of authors for
> which the web was originally intended, who like deep linking and outgoing
> links and care more about the information content than the branding.

Is that stated somewhere?  I was understanding that it was intended for 
current web-authors, who I would probably agree are mostly people who don't 
particularly care for links outside their domain, if it's not for these 
individuals then we really need to have that made explicit, as the needs of 
the two groups are very different, and I can't see how we can evaluate XHTML 
2.0 without knowing its aims.

Is there a market anyway for these individuals?  and is it really large 
enough to motivate people to update their tools for XHTML 2.0?


Received on Sunday, 6 March 2005 17:11:19 UTC