Suggestion/Enchantment: Canvas operations in HTML - resizable HTML

Hi !

HTML files are optimized to one size. 800/600, or 1024/768.

The pictures are sized to same pixel ratio.

But I think, that some Windows MetaFile - like operations are missing 
from HTML.

<viewport width=100px height=100px canresize=True>
 <line x1=10 y1=10 x2=50 y2=50>
 <box pos="10,10,20,20" fillcolor="red" fillstyle="thincross_left">
 <text pos="80,80" text="Test" font="arial" size="8">

<viewport initwidth=100px initheight=100px canresize=True>
 <line x1=20% y1=20% x2=50% y2=50%>

If HTML is extended by this, the pictures (diagrams, etc.) are maked 
resizable !

Because many-many program, and other documents are stored in HTML 
format, every need images.
But images are not resizable without data loss (or add). Only 
metafile-like things are resizable.

The UML-s, and other pictures are convertable to this language, and in 
the internet we will better documents like before.

Thanx for reading:

Received on Wednesday, 9 February 2005 20:54:19 UTC