Re: [Structure Module] Renaming the <html> element to more semantic name

"q" wasn't renamed, it was replaced. And I personally find the quotes q 
added annoying, I prefer to put them in myself with curly quotes to make 
my pages look better. At the moment, IE won't let you remove the quotes 
with styles (doesn't support generated content).


Anne van Kesteren wrote:

> html:q was renamed to
> xhtml2:quote and I'm still not sure why that was done. User agents 
> should be
> free to style to style the html:q element as they wish, including 
> styling it
> with quotes. They should of course let authors overwrite that particular
> behavior (which is done now and then). And there are many more issues 
> which I'm
> all saving up for when it reaches last call.

Received on Wednesday, 7 December 2005 16:34:14 UTC