Re: Any idea of a date XHTML2 will be "ratified"

On Sat, 2005-08-06 at 21:29 +1200, Jasper Bryant-Greene wrote:
> XHTML 2 is a working draft [1]. I wouldn't recommend that you base any 
> classes on it at this stage, beyond perhaps mentioning it and some of 
> its key improvements, as a lot could change between now and CR, PR or 
> final recommendation [2].

I agree.  There's plenty of fun to be had talking about XHTML 1 or 1.1.

I wrote a set of course notes years ago with standard HTML 4.01.  Two
years ago, I went back and put some "/>" at the end of the empty tags
and had XHTML (a few other minor changes too, of course).

Standards-based markup is often touted as a way to ensure web developers
don't have to worry about flavour-of-the-month technologies.  I assure
you, it works for lazy instructors too.  :-)

All that's changed is that it's become easier to talk about CSS, because
it's actually reasonably well supported now.

Greg Baker, Lecturer
School of Computing Science
Simon Fraser University
Burnaby, BC, V5A 1S6

Received on Saturday, 6 August 2005 15:18:28 UTC