Re: [xframes] Remarks

> * What do you mean with "Since you can't content negotiatiate [...]" [2]  
> --
> ain't it true that you indeed can use content negotiation in framesets,  
> e.g.
> by using "<frame id="foo" source="bar" />"? Or is this issue misleadingly
> formulated?

Content negotiation is where the browser tells the server what it can  
handle and the server sends something appropriate. Frames in HTML are just  
classified as HTML (via the media type text/html), and there is no way to  
tell the server "I only accept HTML without Frames".

> * Ain't the "style" attribute missing in the list of Common Attributes  
> [3]?
> -- I guess it's quite likely that this attribute will be the "regular"  
> way
> to define frame measures (compared to the proposed definition via "class"
> attributes).

There is much discussion about the appropriateness of the style attribute,  
since it undermines one of the basic premises of stylesheets: the  
separation of content and presentation.

> By the way, I also found two typos:
> * Introduction: "several usability problem [...]"
> * Links and Targets [4]: "in some way targetted [...]"


Steven Pemberton

Received on Tuesday, 5 October 2004 13:14:40 UTC