XHTML 2.0: W3C Working Draft 11 December 2002: XHTML Scripting Module Issue

The current draft text:

15.2.4. Dynamic modification of documents

The dynamic modification of a document may be modeled as follows:

  1. All script elements are evaluated in order as the document is loaded.

How could the following javascript code be interpreted:

  var scriptElement = document.createElement("script");
  var head = document.getElementsByTagName("script")[0].parentNode ;
  head.insertBefore(scriptElement,head.firstChild) ;

The <scriptURL> script will be inserted BEFORE the current script. Should it
be evaluated just after insertion? If not, when?

Victor Kapustin	vak@mail.nw.ru
Associate Professor
Chair for Applied Information Science in Arts and Humanities
Philology Department
Saint-Petersburg State University,
29 Fourteenth Line of Vassilievsky Island
Saint-Petersburg 199178

Received on Sunday, 7 March 2004 04:50:01 UTC