Help with <nl>


I am trying to render <nl> into xhtml 1.1 on the serverside but need some
advice on markup. Here is the scenario. As the user navigates the nodelist
should grow dynamically. The tree may be far bigger than I want to send to
build in memory on the server.

1. First request defaults to opening 'Home'.


<nl xmlns:ext="urn:ext" ext:myhref="selectnode">
  <li href="selectnode" ext:state="collapsed">Section with children</li>
  <li href="getdocument">Document for display</li>


<nl xmlns:ext="urn:ext" ext:myhref="selectnode">
    <nl ext:state="collapsed" ext:myhref="selectnode">
      <label>Section with children</label>
  <li href="getdocument">Document for display</li>

2. User clicks 'Section with children' resulting in second request.

<nl xmlns:ext="urn:ext" ext:myhref="selectnode">
    <nl ext:myhref="selectnode">
      <label>Section with children</label>
      <li href="getdocument">Focus</li>
      <li href="getdocument">People</li>
  <li href="getdocument">Document for display</li>

My question is which is more correct 1a or 1b. Or doesn't it matter? Or is
there a better way? My stylesheet that will use  these nodelists will need
to be able to generate xhtml 1.1 hyperlinks for user navigation and display
different icons depending on whether a node is collapsed or expanded or
whether is a collection of resources or a resource itself.


Received on Saturday, 31 January 2004 16:21:02 UTC