Re: [XHTML2] On the subject of handling quotations

* Lachlan Hunt wrote:
>   No, I disagree with this.  I do, however, agree with the current 
>XHTML2 draft when it states, for the quote element:
>"Visual user agents must not by default add delimiting quotation marks 
>(as was the case for the q element in earlier versions of XHTML). It is 
>the responsibility of the document author to add any required quotation 
>marks, either directly in the text, or via a stylesheet."

WAI requires that it must be possible to understand my document even
without styles heets applied, it is thus not acceptable to use CSS to
add quote marks to the document.

>   Quotes are presentational, and because of their complicated nature, 
>especially when it comes to multi-lingual documents, should be handled 
>by the author.

Quotation marks are presentational, whether something is a quote is not.

Received on Sunday, 18 January 2004 10:02:09 UTC