Framesets in HTML 4.01...


I have managed to obtain the required validation via W3C for HTML 4.01 but I
cannot collapse the frameborder between the 1st and 2nd rows - W3C will not
allow the border="0" tag. I'm totally lost as to why this should be as the
frameborder has been specified to be equal to "0". On my website
[] the banner and the navigation bar situated in these two
rows in the frameset are colored blue, so I am left with a thin white line
between both if I remove the aforementioend tag.

How do I collapse the frameborder between the top two horizontal frames
whilst obtaining HTML4.01 validation?

Here is the frameset:

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Frameset//EN"

<html lang="EN"><head><title>PhatBlue</title>

<META http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">


<Frameset rows="80,30,*">

<Frame src="phatblue_banner.html" name="top_banner" frameborder="0"
marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" scrolling="no">

<Frame src="topnav_bar.html" name="top_banner" frameborder="0"
marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" scrolling="no" NORESIZE>

<Frameset cols="180,*">

<Frame src="left_bar.html" name="left_side" frameborder="0" marginwidth="4"
marginheight="7" scrolling="no" NORESIZE>

<Frame src="intro.html" name="main" frameborder="0" marginwidth="7"
marginheight="7" scrolling="yes" NORESIZE>

<NOFRAMES><body> If you see this text, your browser does not support frames
or is not configured to display frames.</body></NOFRAMES>



I'd be so grateful if you could help me.  Someone did suggest to increase
the font size in the table row of the hoziontal navigation but this does not



Received on Tuesday, 13 January 2004 17:43:13 UTC