Re: XHTML 2 WD: Embedding Attribute Collection Comments

You're right to some extent. It is a misuse of the p element. But I say 
it should be kept. For example you make a large table with many cells 
and you want an image in each cell. Instead of writing a new object 
element in each cell we can simply use two attributes. Much easier and 
using less code. There is also the chance that it could get abused. But 
that is a small chance since the object element offers more.

Tom McDonnell wrote:

> Having reviewed the latest Working Draft, I felt I must comment on the 
> Embedding Attribute Collection.
> I don't see any need for the collection, the <object> element already 
> provides this functionality. Take the first example in the working draft:
> <p src="holiday.png" type="image/png">
>    <span src="holiday.gif" type="image/gif">
>        An image of us on holiday.
>    </span>
> </p>
> Shouldn't this be done:
> <object data="holiday.png" type="image/png">
>  <object data="holiday.gif" type="image/gif">
>    <p>An image of us on holiday</p>
>  </object>
> </object>
> Ditto can be applied to the table example.
> I really feel the working drafts example is misuse of <p> element; the 
> collection is blurring the lines of the purpose of elements. The 
> generic <object> element was designed encapsulate fallback logic, so I 
> cannot understand why this new attribute collection has been 
> introduced to serve the same purpose. I suggest it be dropped.
> Tom McDonnell
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Received on Thursday, 29 May 2003 19:44:06 UTC