Re: <em><em><em>, degree of emphasis attribute?

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "John Lewis" <>
Subject: Re: <em><em><em>, degree of emphasis attribute?

> > If the degree of emphasis is not purely presentational, perhaps this
> > should be an attribute of the <em> tag. In other words, perhaps what
> > <strong> means is <em degree="strong">.
> The idea has merit. There are more styling possibilities than the
> current solution and the semantics are more accurate.

Sigh. If we really have to get rid of <strong> (which I disagree with), then
why don't we just use the existing class attribute? In the case of the
'default' presentation, I suppose we have something like this:-

.strong { font-weight: bold; stress: 80; volume: 75; }
.emphas { font-style: italic; stress: 50; richness: 10; }

<p>Are you absolutely <em class="emphas">sure</em> you want to do that?</p>
<p><em class="strong">Hey! Come over here!</em></p>

Please excuse my clumsy aural CSS - I've never looked at it before.

As I indicated in an earlier post, however, I do think there is a case for
<strong> to remain. In the future, the structural elements of a web document
may be used to describe all manner of environments. A <strong> element might
be used to indicate a powerful smell, for example. An <em> element might be
used to indicate a physical texture.

Simon Jessey


Received on Thursday, 15 May 2003 16:30:55 UTC