Re: kelvSYC's Thoughts on the new XHTML Draft


2003-05-12T19:27:50Z T. Daniel <> wrote:

>> John Lewis wrote:

>> I disagree. In my documents <em><em> has a different meaning from
> <strong>.

> I'm with John on this. <em><em> could be used for a case where there an
> entire phrase might be emphasized, but then a sub-phrase is granted a
> secondary level of emphasis within the text. I see <em> and <strong> not as
> too levels of emphasis, but as two "flavors". When reading text aloud, for
> example, I usually indicate an emphasized phrase by a change in pitch, but a
> "strong emphasis" by a change in volume. I've notice plenty of other people
> doing likewise. But an <em> within an <em> I would  indicate not by a change
> in volume, but by a different pitch than the rest of the phrase.
The changes in pitch/volume clearly indicate the difference between
these elements, the presentational difference.

>> In my style sheets, I generally use:
>> em { font-style: italic }
>> em em { font-style: normal }

> This is in keeping with standard typographical practices in print.

Hm, I would say this is standard for some local publishers. Other
countries may and do have different traditions.

  Alexander "Croll" Savenkov                                   

Received on Monday, 12 May 2003 12:47:10 UTC