RE: xhtml and javascript

We are aware that the Tasman project has been closed, yes? There is no more development going on... .

As for document.write vs DOM manipulation, the fact is that in legacy browsers it is a bad idea to manipulate the DOM before the document is finished loading. As for browsers to come, I find it hard to see recommending such manipulation. Afterall, when the page is loading, the browser is in a "parsing" mode, trying to get what's coming down the pipe onto screen (or over speakers, etc) as quickly as possible. Asking browser vendors to also keep their DOM in good order at all times is a lot to ask; it's not too much for Mozilla, and wouldn't be too much for the programmers of IE (though it is too much for the existing version), but it's going to lock out most upstart browser projects that want to honestly implement the latest W3C standards.

It seems to me a much more reasonable request would be to offer some more sanct way of adding HTML mid-parse, that is only available during such load time; thus once the browser has entered DOM-ready mode, the scripting all revolves around DOM manipulation. This makes things simpler for browser vendors, clear for HTML authors, and offers very fast-performing pages to both. Such performance considerations were kept in mind in the CSS specification; why not here?

-Chris "SoopahMan" Moschini

(ignore attachment)

-----Original Message-----
From: Brian Bober []

Hopefully, they meant its finished in terms of user interface and features, but
not in terms of standards-compliance. Perhaps when tasman is finished, IE 6
Win32 will be switched over to it, but besides that the browser won't change.

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