Re: block level formatting

Am Donnerstag, 26.06.03 um 15:50 Uhr schrieb Brian Bober:

> Selectors don't work properly in IE5 (does it work in IE6?), so I
> recommend
> using a class and giving all the imgs that class if you want it to
> work in more
> than Mozilla and maybe other browsers like Opera but not IE.
> .block { display: block;}
> <img class="block">

That's really not necessary. #lines img {} is supported by every
browser I know, even Netscape 4.

> Another thing to note is that displaying an image as a block you will
> have
> space under it just like text has. Although if block doesn't give you
> everything you want, you might want to try display: table-cell.

You can controll the space with margin and padding if you use
display:block. The problem with space occurs with display:inline
because of the inline-box.

Received on Thursday, 26 June 2003 13:38:07 UTC