Re: The HTML Element

Arthur Wiebe wrote:
> I propose that since XHTML is XHTML not HTML, that we change the <html> 
> element to something that would make more sense. 

As far as I'm concerned (very generally speaking of course) XHTML *is* 
HTML; the obvious difference being that it's extensible. It's still 
hypertext, it's still a markup language. Unless it becomes proposed that 
UA's distinguish HTML from XHTML via the root element, I see no reason 
to change it other than for the novelty of it. It will, in my humble 
opinion, just create unnecessary confusion unless like I mentioned it 
actually serves a purpose.

> Why not change it to something like <xhtml>? Or if someone can't stand 
> that extra letter then we could also change it to <root>?

No, if it were to be changed at all, <xhtml> would be the way to go. 
<root> is *far* too general.


Received on Sunday, 15 June 2003 23:43:32 UTC