[XHTML2] meta attribute

I propose a new attribute: the meta attribute, which has the type IDREF (or maybe IDREFS?). It makes a reference to some meta data specific to that part of the page. Here is an example:

<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2002/06/xhtml2" xml:lang="nl-be">
    <!-- the following is meta data about the entire page -->
    <meta name="author">Jeroen Budts</meta>
    <!-- and the following only about the quote -->
    <meta id="AndyQuote">
      <meta name="author">Andy Warhol</meta>
      <meta name="DC.Language">en-us</meta>
      <meta name="DC.Title">THE Philosophy of Andy Warhol</meta>
      <meta name="chapter">4 - Beauty</meta>
      <meta name="page">71</meta>

      Het volgende citaat vind ik best wel leuk:
      <blockquote xml:lang="en-us" meta="#AndyQuote">
        The most beautiful thing in Tokyo is McDonald's.
        The most beautiful thing in Stockholm is McDonald's.
        The most beautiful thing in Florence is McDonald's.
        Pecking and Moscow don't have anything beautiful yet.

In this way we would be able to give a lot more information about parts of a webpage.

Kind Regards,

  from='Jeroen Budts'
Mail.be, WebMail and Virtual Office

Received on Thursday, 31 July 2003 16:12:44 UTC