Re: Why the Same Namespace URI for XHTML 1.0 and 1.1?

>>>>> "MI" == Masayasu Ishikawa <> writes:

    Me> So, this is a general design question for XML document definitions
    Me> rather than a specific question about XHTML.

    MI> Which should be better discussed on xml-dev or elsewhere.  In fact
    MI> during 1999 there were lots of discussions on that topic on xml-dev,
    MI> triggered by the namespace usage in XHTML 1.0.  A good summary of
    MI> that discussion can be found at:


Thanks for this URL and your detailed response. I'll move this
discussion to a more appropriate forum if I have any more questions.

Thanks again,


Evan Prodromou

Received on Monday, 28 July 2003 08:27:30 UTC