Re: WD-xhtml2-20030506: <qst>ions and <ans>wers

David Woolley wrote:
>>     <section class="qa">
> Why is this not an element?
>>         <p><qst>It's been a decade since 242 released any new material.
> Why are qst and ans inline elements, forcing a complicated content
> model, and restricting both to a single paragraph?
> Why is there not a content model (which I would expect to look more 
> or less the same as dl)?  A content model is needed, otherwise the most
> important piece of information cannot be cleanly specified:  which
> answer belongs to which question.

Proposing <qst> and <ans> as inline elements was, I admit, an attempt to 
retro-fit XHTML with as few changes as possible.  Associating inline 
question and answer elements could be done with ID/IDREF, but I concede 
your approach has a better structure and the single-paragraph 
restriction is unacceptable.



Received on Friday, 25 July 2003 17:19:44 UTC