Re: more xhtml 2.0 comments

On Thu, Apr 17, 2003 at 01:47:44AM -0700, Etan Wexler wrote:
> > 31. sub and sup elements are purely presentational and do not carry any
> > semantics
> I agree strongly.

My surname is correctly written with the `c' as a superscript -
M<sup>c</sup>Farland, not McFarland.

The superscripted c is as much a part of the correct spelling of my name
as the capital F is.

Is there a way to write a superscripted c without the sup element? Does
this mean the sup element has semantic meaning? Should I just lighten up
about the way my name is written?

Andrew McFarland

Received on Thursday, 17 April 2003 05:16:56 UTC