Re: XHTML2 MIME type

William F Hammond <> wrote:

> It states that the definition of the type "text/html" is to be found
> in W3C recommendations.  (RFC 3236 simply registers the type
> "application/xhtml+xml".)  Do current W3C recommendations cover the
> mime field well?

HTML4 defines what can be sent as the media type "text/html".  XHTML 1.0
defines an exceptional condition, the only exception.  No later XHTML
specifications would change this situation.

> Furthermore, W3C could at some point take the position that
> "text/html" may be used for XHTML under conditions that extend the
> condition cited in RFC 2854.

Probably W3C would cease to exist before taking such a position.

Masayasu Ishikawa /
W3C - World Wide Web Consortium

Received on Friday, 11 April 2003 14:37:28 UTC