- From: Etan Wexler <ewexler@stickdog.com>
- Date: Thu, 10 Apr 2003 02:54:35 -0700
- To: Simon Jessey <simon@jessey.net>, www-html@w3.org
Simon Jessey wrote to <mailto:www-html@w3.org> on 9 April 2003 in "Re: [XHTML2] Poor little old <a>" (<mid:000601c2fefa$acf37270$6401a8c0@Simon2S0JP11>): > It pains me to think I'll have to markup > all my acronyms as abbreviations All of your acronyms are abbreviations, by definition. The 'acronym' element type has exactly the same fundamental semantics as the 'abbr' element type has. The 'acronym' element type merely adds the presentational hint, "Pronounce like a normal word". -- Etan Wexler <mailto:ewexler@stickdog.com>
Received on Thursday, 10 April 2003 05:55:03 UTC