Re: [XHTML2] Unicode line and paragraph separators

On 6 Apr 2003 at 23:19, Toby wrote:

> On Sun, Apr 06, 2003 at 12:13:09PM -0400, Ernest Cline wrote:
> | The question therefore becomes 
> | are the benefits of marking up paragraphs worth the extra overhead of 
> | doing so.
> <div>
> 	Here is one paragraph.
> 	&ps;
> 	Here is another.
> 	&ps;
> 	<img
> 		src="urn:x-internal:test-image" 
> 		alt="Am I inside a paragraph?"
> 		height="10" width="10"
> 	/>
> </div>

Yes. The <div> you've definined has three paragraphs of which the third 
consists of just the <img /> element. If the distinction between this 
and two paragraphs and an image that is not a paragraph is somehow 
semantically important, then one could use:

    Here is one paragraph.
    Here is the other.
  <img src="urn:x-internal:test-image"
       alt="I am not a paragraph."


    Here is one paragraph.
    Here is the other.
  <img src="urn:x-internal:test-image"
       alt="I am not a paragraph."

depending upon whether it is important that paragraphs be in individual 
elements along with the <img>.

By the way, I've started my detailed survey, and so far, out of 23 
webpages looked at so far, I have found one that used paragraphs in a 
manner that required the use of markup for each paragraph. (Used to 
achieve an effect where alternating paragraphs were styled 
differently.) I'm not done as I expect to be looking at a little under 
200 webpages before I'm through. (I've selected 64 key phrases at 
random and I'm looking at approximately three web pages per phrase.

Received on Sunday, 6 April 2003 22:03:05 UTC