Re: Query Reg accessing Div->Style->Width in XHTML using Javascript

Amit Mahajan wrote:
 > <HEAD>
 > <META NAME="GENERATOR" Content="Microsoft Visual Studio 6.0">
 > </HEAD>
 > <BODY>
 > <div ID="menuItem" Style="position:'absolute'; left:'10'; right:'100';
 > width:'200'; height:'400';" onmouseover="callJS();">Lets see if it works
 > </div>
 > </BODY>
 > </html>

In XHTML, all element and attribute names are written completely
lower-case. could prove helpful in writing
correct XHTML. As I see, they have added suppport for XHTML 1.1 now.

HTH && So long

Received on Tuesday, 24 September 2002 09:05:58 UTC