Re: 'nl': presentational or semantic?

Gabriele FavaÊwrote to <> on 24 August 2002 in "Re: 'nl':
presentational or semantic?" (<>):

> I fully agree with the proposal of a 
> construct to divide navigation parts (menus, bars etc.) from the 
> content, but I can't understand why such navigation parts should be 
> constructed as lists. I proposed a general navigation element, instead 
> of that nl.

I, too, prefer a more general element type that indicates navigation, an
element type not limited to list semantics.

> Perhaps you saw that new navigation list in a w3c specification and 
> thought that if they put it as a list it must [mean] that for one reason 
> or another it is good to structure all navigation items of a page as 
> lists. Think with your own head, I can't see any reason for this.

My thinking was not along those lines.  You made a specific argument,
that the 'nl' element type is presentational; I made a specific
counterargument, that the 'nl' element type is structural and semantic.

> Understood why I claimed "nl" to be only a presentational element?

No, I am sorry to report.

> If my guesses are correct, it has just been made
> to simplify presentational matters.

I find the motivation irrelevant.  I examine an element type's
definition to determine whether the type is presentational.

Etan Wexler <>

Received on Thursday, 5 September 2002 17:30:33 UTC