Re: supporting graphics in HTML

Shaik Mahaboob Subhani wrote:

 > I have to convert some file into HTML which supports IE5 and
 > Netscape4.7. the file contains graphics like Images, Lines, 
rectangle, > Elliplse, Polyline, polygon, round rectangle, arc and sector of
 > ellipse. is it
 > possible to draw all these components in HTML(except image). I have
 > all the coordinates all these elements.even before drawing i have to
 > set the canvas size in html. if any body knows plz let me know.

No, HTML cannot do this. However there is SVG (Scalable vector graphics) (weird that "8" at the end
of the URL, but it's correct) that can draw such shapes and more.

There is a plugin for IE, Mozilla is working on it (but the plugin also
works there), I have no idea about Netscape 4.7, but I can imagine the
plugin will work there too. Anyone can confirm?

Erich Iseli

Received on Thursday, 30 May 2002 03:00:51 UTC