Re: XHTML2: Elements to include and not to include (i and b)

Samuli Lintula wrote:

> One could invent new tags for XHTML2, but then one should also
> replace <sup> with
> <number-of-atoms>, <index>, <atomic-number>,
> <proportion-of-a-DNA-or-RNA-base-in-a-consensus-sequence> etc.

Those element types are just the sort of thing that is desirable,
although not necessarily desirable as a direct addition to HTML
specifications.  Let specialist groups define specialist markup and
define the combination of specialist and generalist (XHTML) markup.

The 'sup' element type is presentational, full stop.

Etan Wexler <>
You are a stick of elm that will never learn.

Received on Friday, 23 August 2002 14:53:12 UTC