[OT?] questions/ideas about XHTML, CSS and XML

I have some questions for my University thesis, I'll explain it with some

1. I know that with CSS I can specify a default CSS and more alternate CSS.
In some browsers, like Netscape 6.2.3, I can choose the alternate CSS from
the menu View/Use Stylesheet.
Can I put some links/buttons on the xhtml page that change the CSS if
clicked? It can be useful to change the style if I want to read the page on
a monitor and then print it without reloading it.

2. If I have to write a document with a lot of data, like a curriculum vitae
+ portfolio,
I know I can write an XML doc with all data organized, cv + portfolio;
then I can use XSLT to create some different renderings of the same data.
For example I can obtain an XHTML doc with my cv and another XHTML doc with
my portfolio. In each XHTML doc I can use the same XML data to create RDF

Can I specify in the XML doc a default XSLT and some alternate XSLT and put
in the XSLTs some code that creates links/buttons that, if clicked, change
the XSLT without reloading the XML? (something similar to what I have asked
for CSS at point 1).
Example: can I create an XSLT that renders only my cv + a button that, if
clicked, changes the XSLT and renders my portfolio without loading anything
else than the XSLT for the portfolio?

3. Can I integrate RDF metadata directly in the body if the same text must
appear both in the body (as readable text) than in the RDF (as metadata)?
For example I write the author "Dante Alighieri" in the body and inline I
specify the RDF sentence "Dante Alighieri" is the author of the resource
"Divina Commedia".

4. Can I with XML+XSLT or RDF extract my data from the xml of my cv +
portfolio and put them into more than one XHTML doc?
For example in my XML cv I write my e-mail address.
In an XSLT doc I want to take my e-mail address from my XML cv + some other
data from another XML file.
something like <a href="../cv.xml:select:contact/email/address">my e-mail
address </a>
(sorry for the uncorrect example but I'm not a programer :(

5. Can I write an xhtml doc with new tags like <copyright> and
<bibliography>, organizing it as an xml database and using it both as xhtml
page and xml database where I can import data and create new xhtml pages
with xslt?
for example can I write a cv in xhtml with new tags and use it as XML source
for two XSLT (cv and portfolio) as at point 2? Can I use it as at point 4?

Thank you very much :)

Received on Wednesday, 21 August 2002 14:51:10 UTC