Re: Ampersand not permitted in AttValue

kelvSYC wrote:

>On 8/16/02 5:11 PM, "Gabriele Fava" <> wrote:
>>I encountered a problem in XML 1.0: the AttValue definition specifies
>>that the value of an attribute must be either a reference or a character
>>other than "<" and "&"; but the ampersand "&" is a permitted, and
>>commonly used character in URIs, with this constriction I can't put some
>>types of links in a xml or xhtml document.
>Try attribute="foo&amp;bar"
Actually it works (I'm testing on Mozilla) but shoudn't the ampersand of 
the enity reference be forbidden too, in theory?

Received on Saturday, 17 August 2002 04:52:26 UTC