RE: How about a <notice>element?

On 2002-08-13, Mark Stanton uttered to

>Seriously though, can't anyone see the trap we are falling into? I don't
>see why the <span class="..."> can't be used to cover pretty much all of
>these scenarios.

For the simple reason that there are no shared semantics, here. I mean, we
could very well do without headings, paragraphs, whathaveyou, if we just
used <span/> intensively enough. Those elements are present so that
applications utilizing HTML share an understanding of what certain parts
of the document mean -- HTML is supposed to be about semantic markup.
Requesting elements which augment its expressive power seems sensible
enough to me.

It's a different thing whether those extensions should be part of XHTML
core, of course.
Sampo Syreeni, aka decoy -, tel:+358-50-5756111
student/math+cs/helsinki university,
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Received on Tuesday, 13 August 2002 06:38:02 UTC