Re: Comments on XHTML 2.0 Working Draft

William F Hammond <> writes:

> <lt/>, <gt/>, and <amp/> would be somewhat handier under transforms
> than &lt; , &gt; , and &amp; .  A limited number of other empties
> would be handy, e.g., <dollar/> and <euro/>.  Such empties are then
> allowed to live parallel to #PCDATA in content models, i.e.,
>     <!ENTITY % charstuff "#PCDATA|ltc|gtc|amp|dollar|euro">,
> and, of course, use of the character entities would not be precluded.

What is the markup function of the elements you propose?

And can you please specify what you mean by "handier under

&lt; etc. are characters (represented by named entity references) and
treated as such in any transformation and in any parser.

What is the advantage of having an element present a character? Why
not have <letter-a /> representing "a" etc.?
Please don't CC me on replies!

Received on Wednesday, 7 August 2002 18:08:17 UTC