Re: Comments on XHTML 2.0 Working Draft

Hallo Jonny,

You wrote:
Emphasis on the other hand is worth saving, but not in the form:
  <p><em>Hey, this paragraph is italic!</em></p>
  <p><em>My, and so is this.</em></p>
  <p><em>Look at those paragraphs tilt!</em></p>

What is wrong with this, when I tell you that text-only browsers show <em> in
another as the default fontcolor. This is the only way till now to emphasize
text in these browsers. .
I use it sometimes to get the emphasis effect also  in these browsers..when I
want to stress something..
Italic in css does not help, because  most text-only-browsers can not work with

Ineke van der Maat

Received on Wednesday, 7 August 2002 07:54:03 UTC