A possible bug in xhtml1.1 dtd


I'm getting the following error when accessing xhtml1.1 DTD or any xhtml
file .xml extension:

Parameter entity must be defined before it is used. Error processing
resource 'http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml11/DTD/xhtml11.dtd'. Line 85, Position 2
DTD-error - entity 'xhtml-xlink.mod'() may not be used in this location"

It is not a program error, cause I've doublechecked it with MSIE and
XMLSpy(saxon and msxml engines). Both show the error exists. IE points it in
xhtml11.dtd, xmlspy points it in xhtml-framework-1.mod file(ln53).

Is it a bug or what ?

Yours truly

- keijo kortelainen -
2K mediat

Received on Monday, 24 September 2001 19:07:23 UTC