RE: Updated XHTML media type draft

Sorry Peter, I don't know how this escaped my attention ...

>Minor comments:
>* I think "amoung" should be "among".
>* Why does it say the following:
>"It is not expected that it be used to deliver content,
>   or that origin web servers have any knowledge of it (though they are
>   welcome to)."
>Why is it "not expected"? I assume the following can be expected:
>Content-type: application/xhtml+xml; \
>	profile="

Sure, that can be done, only that it isn't what the profile parameter was
designed to be used for.  That use is like the old "level" parameter on
the text/html type that was never used.  Hence "not expected". 8-)

Mark Baker, Sun Microsystems
Ottawa, Ontario, CANADA

Received on Thursday, 24 May 2001 00:50:00 UTC