RE: Document fragment anchor elements

> From:	Greg Marr []
 key is for an element unless they can see the element?  The "action" 

 [DJW]   Because they have heard the page, or there is a well defined
on the site for access keys, or they have used the page before.
Generally there is no way of telling that something is the subject of an
accesskey on a GUI browser (although you can construct a style sheet on
Mozilla to achieve that effect), so, generally seeing the element (assuming
can see) doesn't help you to know what access key to use.  (See, for
example, for a site which actually uses access keys,
but doesn't provides the key separate from the targets.

that occurs is that the element is brought into view.  If they can 
already see the element, what is the point in brining that element 
into view?

[DJW] This is a problem with the typical implementation of on page fragment 
links as well.

>  If accesskey were defined as you suggest, what would happen if I 
> wrote this: <INPUT TYPE=SUBMIT ID=SOME_ID ACCESSKEY="A"> and then 
> used that accesskey?  Would it submit the form, or would it bring me 
> to that portion of the page?
The above is already valid.  There was a debate on whether
access key should just focus or actually activate on the
w3c-wai-ig mailing list recently (the issue is one of confirming
that one selected the right access key).
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