Comments on WD-xhtml-events-20010608

The second paragraph in section 2.1.1 contains the following: "When multiple
event listeners register for the same event with the same target node, only
the last registration is retained; (this follows the same convention as the
[DOM2])." By my reading of DOM2, this sentence should read, "When multiple
identical event listeners...." DOM2 allows multiple event listeners, as long
as they are not identical.

The values of the onevent's onphase attribute seem a bit disjointed.
"target" is an object, not a processing phase, but I haven't come up with
anything better. ("targeting" isn't really accurate; "attarget," as in "at
the target," is hard to read.) "oncapture" and "bubbling" both describe
propagation phases, but have different forms. "capturing" makes more sense
than "oncapture" to me. It has the same (active) form as "bubbling," and
reads better: <onevent onphase="oncapture"> versus <onevent

Hmm...both examples seem a bit heavy on "on." Given that the element's name
is "onevent," isn't the "on" in "onphase" redundant? <onevent
phase="bubbling"> seems equally clear, and easier to read. (The repetition
makes the prefix feel like noise.)

Maybe phase=("onbubble" | "oncapture" | "ontarget") would work.

Section 2.1.3 says, "Note that stopevent cannot be used to stop propagation
during the capture phase," without further explanation, which is puzzling,
since it also says, "Element stopevent is equivalent to method
stopPropagation in [DOM2]." According to DOM2, stopPropagation can be used
during the capture phase.

Jesse Pelton
PKC Corporation

Received on Thursday, 21 June 2001 17:24:53 UTC