Frame borders

Hi all -

I'm trying to validate my Web site as HTML 4.01 Frameset compliant but in 
order to do that, I need to remove the "border="0" on both frameset 
elements[1]. However if I do that, I get gray borders at the bottom of each 
frameset that totally clash with the page. I've tried playing around with 
style="" and using properties such as border-color, color, border-style, 
border-width and none seem to allow me to get rid of it.

Any suggestions?

Thanks in advance.

(Note: This page is currently not viewable in Netscape 4.x)


B.K. DeLong
Research Lead
ZOT Group

work 617.542.5335 ext. 204
cell   617.877.3271

Received on Monday, 29 January 2001 10:35:17 UTC