Re: Lingua Franca of the Web - Will SVG replace HTML?

> Isn't this very argument a proof of the interest of SVG that is, unlike
> the graphic formats we knew before, a graphic format that keeps text
> stored as text and thus a good compromise between these two statements ?

I'm saying that document structuring and hypertext is more improtant on the
most fundamental level than graphics. Yes, SVG does integrate them
neatly... but I don't think "integration" denotes "replacement", and it
would be very odd to suggest that it does.
By all means, use SVG in XHTML: Amaya does this now, but as for replacing
XHTML with SVG... I don't see how that would even be possible. Telling
people to use SVG in that way would be beyond the scope of SVG as a format,
and I certainly do not think this is a line the W3C would want to take up
with their data formats. It doesn't make architectural sense. The future
lies in Semantics, not pretty pictures :-)

Kindest Regards,
Sean B. Palmer
@prefix : <> .
[ :name "Sean B. Palmer" ] has :homepage <> .

Received on Sunday, 21 January 2001 17:20:58 UTC