RE: FRAMEBORDER attribute?

Dave  J Woolley, at 17:20 -0000 on Thu, 1 Feb 2001, wrote:

    [DJW:]  Most commercial sites that have ever thought about
    this make it a condition of use that this is not done.  Also,
    many sites, which don't use frames themselves, use a JavaScript
    fragment to reload the frame at the top level if someone tries
    to include it in a frameset - this results in security nags, and
    if the script runs, often breaks the browser back button (although
    location.replace may help in that respect).

First of all, this technique is not limited commercial sites.  It's even
good for embedding of one's own site.

Second, never assume Javascript.

Frank Tobin

Received on Thursday, 1 February 2001 12:45:08 UTC