RE: HTML/XHTML: issues with tables and forms.

> From:	Zoltan Hawryluk []
> Is this valid?  It seems like it validates with the W3C validator ... but
> I
> want to make sure that this is 100% the case.
	It is not valid and it *does not* pass the W3C validator (you could
	have done this test yourself or deduced it from the spec):

Line 5, column 47: 
    <form method=get action="">
Error: element "FORM" not allowed here; possible cause is an inline element
containing a block-level element (explanation... </docs/errors.html>)
Line 7, column 6: 
Error: element "TD" not allowed here; check which elements this element may
be contained within (explanation... </docs/errors.html>)
Line 12, column 5: 
Error: missing a required sub-element of "TR" (explanation...

[DJW:]  The actual test a case (which also produces a misisng 
DOCTYPE warning, because I knew that the validator default would 
be OK for the rest of the test) is:

		<form method=get action="">


				<!-- the form is here -->

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Received on Wednesday, 4 April 2001 06:33:34 UTC