ANNOUNCE: XHTML and XML tips list

I've started a 'Tip of the Day' list for Web developers interested in XHTML
and XML.  I'm starting with fairly basic issues in the changeover from HTML
to XHTML, and will be moving through more advanced material as I get there,
probably fairly slowly.

If you're already on the XHTML-L mailing list, you don't need to subscribe
to this list, as tips will appear on XHTML-L.  If you just want the tips,
you can get subscription information at:

The first tip ("Think in elements, not tags") is available in the archive:

In addition to tips, I'll be posting very brief announcements about
XHTML-related news, including updates of the XHTML specs (and relevant XML
specs) at the W3C as they happen.  

If people have product announcements they want mentioned on the mailing,
please let me know, but I'd like all such announcements kept very brief -
two lines and a URL for more information.   I don't plan to cover business
announcements (partnerships, mergers, customers, etc.) at any time, and
announcements will only run once.

Tips will be archived as they are published.  There's only one tip so far,
but the archive should grow daily.

I hope folks find this useful!

Simon St.Laurent
XML Elements of Style / XML: A Primer, 2nd Ed.
XHTML: Migrating Toward XML - XML essays and books

Received on Friday, 1 September 2000 10:29:44 UTC