RE: A query please

> From: []
>                                        i want to know  is  there any html
> tags which is not  supported by new version but supported by old
> version.that is,For ex. iis there any tag like  supportted in HTML  2 but
> not supportedni HTML 3.xpecting ur reply asap.Thanks
[DJW:] Points about the structure of the question sent 

The answer to the question I think you were trying to
ask depends on whether you are creating HTML pages
or writing something like a browser.

Generally, browsers should try to recognize all elements,
including proprietory ones, from all versions of HTML,
and all popular browsers. Unless you hold a monopoly of
the market, you will need to emulate the behaviour of
popular browsers when presented with invalid input.  Most
web sites constitute invalid input!

When authoring within the original spirit of HTML, you
should use the earliest version that will do the job,
but avoid elements that are not in the strict version 
of HTML 4.01.  You can then add back features, but you
will need to check that the page still works for old
versions of real browser products.

Many people don't believe in the original spirit and
simply hack together something that appears to do what
they want on IE5, then tweak it until it doesn't 
completely break on the other browsers they think are
in common use.
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Received on Thursday, 19 October 2000 15:06:08 UTC