RE: Character entities and URIs

> From:	C. Dimitrakakis []
> Some links to cgi scripts end with :  ?var1=this&var2=that
	They are broken.

> This makes the SGML description for HTML4.0 thinks that this &va is a some
> kind of special character entity which it isn't.
> So, how do I make a link to a cgi script while making clear that &va is
> not
> a character? Won't using &amp break the cgi script?
	[DJW:]  & will not break on any conforming browser,
	as & is transformed into & before the URL is sent as
	an HTTP request.

	This is covered in paragraph B.2.2 of the HTML 4 specification.
	[DJW:]  The W3C web site appears down, otherwise I'd
	give you a URL for the paragraph.

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Received on Monday, 9 October 2000 06:53:17 UTC