Re: hiding and showing layers in IE???

Probably not the right mailing list, but . . .
Netscape uses its own proprietery tag called "layers", but IE uses "div"s
the way you reference it is by referencing the document.all collection.
document.all["layername"] and you can access its style property like this:


> 1) How can I show and Hide multiple layers in IE.  I keep getting an
> But with Netscape there's no errors and works fine.
> 2) Why can't I do this in IE with javascript? This works in Netscape.
> eg.
> <style type="text/css">
> <!--
> # layer1 { position: absolute; etc....
> }
> -->
> and in an eventhandler....
> document.layer1.visibility = "hide";
> regards,
> Chau

Received on Friday, 30 June 2000 01:33:25 UTC