RE: Valid positioning of script elements

> > For your purposes today, it's probably best to write server-side
> > code to generate the HTML document.
> So much for graceful degradation. How can one do server-side
> scripting for something that the server doesn't know about?
> (Whether Javascript is available *and* enabled on the client)

document.write() stinks.  That's my considered opinion.  If I
can avoid it, I always do.  If it looks like I'll need to use it,
I first carefully consider whether I'm wasting my time.  Most of
the time I drop the idea.

The W3C's vision as far as I can tell is a "one document" approach
by which new zany features degrade gracefully without heroic
measures on the part of the author.  As an author, I'm not willing
to take heroic measures anyway.  I'd rather leave the page as bland
HTML and forget about the scripting.

> As simple as some markup that will use Javascript to open a
> window of a specified size if Javascript can be used, but
> link to a specified target window otherwise: looks like it
> can be done, only to be rejected by W3C's validator as invalid

Perhaps this would do it:

<a href="baz.html" target="foobar"
   onclick="; return false">...</a>

Jason Orendorff

Received on Wednesday, 21 June 2000 12:39:08 UTC