XHTML Family User Agent Conformance

On Mon, 24 Jan 2000, W. Eliot Kimber wrote:

> XHTML Modularization Spec
> 3.3 XHTML Family User Agent Conformance
> Constraint 4 needs to clarify whether the term "render" as used here
> means "enable processing by the controlling style sheet" or "make
> visible to the reader". A controlling style sheet may choose to hide an
> unrecognized element that the XHTML processor is required to pass
> through to the rendition component of the browser.  This constraint
> could be read as "must always make visible".

I've already argued (with illustrative examples) that the conformance
requirement is absurd as stated and inappropriate even in intent.


Grandfathering the historical behavior of browsers is one thing,
mandating such (broken) behavior is another.  If the specs were aimed
at description of current practice, they could have taken a page out
of RFC 1866 (4.2.1) and simply reported the observation.  But the
specs seem aimed at prescription, in which case #4 is, IMHO, bogotic.

First, it forgets that this is XML, where there are no missing tags.
That, by the way, was the escape clause invoked by the Netscape people
to "justify" their stick-in-a-comment kludge for LiveScript.  The
position of an unknown element in a putative XHTML element tree is
unambiguous.  The only operative question, therefore, is whether it
should be transparent - its content becomes part of the parent's
content - or opaque.

Second, mandating a conforming agent "must do something with the
content" - as opposed to ignoring it - can make a hash of context
dependent processing.  What if there's no stylesheet rule for
unexpected stuff?  Or does every stylesheet have to anticipate every
bogotic combination?  This is *why* the historical behavior is, has
been and always will be sop hopelessly inadequate. 

Finally, if conforming agents *must* do something - in effect,
*recognize* the element as inherently processable *within* the XHTML
semantic domain - then this should be *allowed* in the DTD.  Define a
catch-all element, say CatchAll, to which all unrecognized elements
are to be mapped, and add it to all content models.  

   <!ELEMENT ul  (CatchAll|li)+ >

Define the processing behavior as "pass content to parent".  You can
even do better and define a global *attribute*, say htmlignore, that
any CatchAll element can exhibit.  If its value means 'yes', this is a
way for documents to override the default mapping and make the element
opaque and suppressible by agents that don't grok.

But disallowing such stuff according to the DTD and then *requiring*
in-paradigm treatment for conformance makes no sense.


Received on Wednesday, 26 January 2000 01:53:39 UTC