So, what's left?

It just hit me.  If I have followed the discussion of where the HTML and XHTML 
standards are headed, FRAME, IFRAME, APPLET, and OBJECT elements are all going 
away.  Does this leave ANY means to include content other than text, static 
images (including the limited gif animation), and the few XML content models 
available such as MathML?  Wasn't OBJECT supposed to replace IMG, and not the 
other way around?

I would not like to tell people, "Well, since we upgraded to the most 
technologically advanced standards-based digital document formats available, we 
can only use exquisitely formatted text and tabular data with supporting static 
images.  We can slice and dice these documents any way you'd like using XSL, 
even send them to your cell phone as WML; we can make the text and images dance 
and jiggle with JavaScript if necessary.  But, although audio, video, vector 
graphics, and Java have all been around for years, they are no longer supported 
by document standards and the most advanced software, so we must cease to 
publish them."

Am I missing something?

Received on Monday, 24 January 2000 13:42:45 UTC