RE: Using Entity References in XSL Templates

> In HTML,   is always ISO-8859-1 character number 160, i.e. a
> non-breaking space ... but   is simply character number 
> 160 in the character set of the document encoding, and thus may not refer
to a
> non-breaking space. 

> References:

That's not my reading of this reference. To quote selectively:

To promote interoperability, SGML requires that each application (including
HTML) specify its document character set. A document character set consists

A Repertoire: A set of abstract characters
Code positions: A set of integer references to characters in the repertoire.

The ASCII character set is not sufficient for a global information system
such as the Web, so HTML uses the much more complete character set called
the Universal Character Set (UCS), defined in [ISO10646].

Authoring tools (e.g., text editors) may encode HTML documents in the
character encoding of their choice, and the choice largely depends on the
conventions used by the system software. These tools may employ any
convenient encoding that covers most of the characters contained in the
document, provided the encoding is correctly labeled. Occasional characters
that fall outside this encoding may still be represented by character
references. These always refer to the document character set, not the
character encoding.

I read that as saying that in HTML as in XML, &#160; is the non-breaking
space character regardless what character encoding is in use.

Mike Kay

Received on Monday, 24 January 2000 05:21:07 UTC